For so many years, it has been well known that a name card is one of the most appropriate ways to give out your contact information as a professional. It is a great asset to be able to create strong connectivity with beneficial people in your line of work. Starting it with a name card is a way that is well known and accepted in any part of the world.
However, not all name cards are good enough to leave a strong impression and positive image upon receiving. Name cards that are not well designed will only most likely be given out in vain, especially without a good introduction or explanation. If you want your name card to be powerful and interesting, then these designing tips are important for you to note down:
1. Use bold colors
Don’t be afraid of using colors that are bright and bold. Colors like this stand out and they easily leave quite an impression in people’s minds. Choosing the right vibrant colors to work with for your name card design is one of the easiest ways for you to catch people’s attention and embed a strong image into their minds. The colors of your choice should also be able to represent yourself well. If you work for a company, it is best to use the colors that are already specifically chosen for the company, such as red for YouTube. Choosing colors like this will make it easier for people to remember you and associate you with the company you work for. You can check out some colors over here,
2. Paper Stock
Name cards are printed on paper stocks and there are a lot of paper stock options out there. Paper stocks can vary in texture, color, and weight. Try to find a unique one, for example, a colored and textured paper stock. A name card that has a different feel will be unique and it can make people remember you easier. It also makes it quite interesting to touch, and this can really leave a strong impression. For a professional name card, it is advised that you use premium quality card stock, which is heavyweight card stock that is thicker than normal paper. This makes a name cad more durable and elegant.
3. Finishes
Try to choose the right type of finish for your name card, for example, coating. Coating is the most common type of name card finish that is often used because it makes a shiny look and it even makes a name card more resistant to moisture, enhancing its quality and durability.
- Printing
Never settle for a low quality printing. Some people make mistake by trying to print out their name cards on their own with a home or office printer. This way, they won’t get a decent name card that can look impressive. To make sure that you do, you have to let the professionals do their job. So, always go to a printing shop that is trusted and reliable to get a high quality name card at a reasonable price. You can visit the company here.